Temba Mliswa took to his Twitter to announce that after carrying out DNA tests, he has been proven to be the father of Susan Mutami’s son, Tino.
“I have some news for you. After the conducting of DNA tests it has been confirmed that Tinotenda is my son. I’m glad the matter has been brought to a decisive conclusion allowing me, as a parent, to fulfill my duties with clarity& assuredness. Its all I sought for in the matter. I’m thankful for all that Susan Mutami did as a single parent in the interim. She has been a capable mother, loves her child and has done very well. I will now step forward to take over as a responsible adult and parent. I hope this brings closure to this, as a public matter, allowing us to proceed with the upbringing of this child in privacy. It’s only because of previous public entanglements that I have felt the need to bring closure to it, in the same public, by announcing these results. As parents of the child let us respect the future of the child and strive to have commensurate conduct in this matter. Icho ndicho, bhuru rapinda mudanga. Tinovatambira Shumba nerudo mumhuri.”