Zimbabwean-born Tendayi Nyeke is making waves in Hollywood as a co-producer at Feature Animation Netflix, developing her first animated movie and fresh from completing her independent live-action psychological thriller pilot, set to hit the festival circuit in 2024. With 18 years in the industry, Tendayi is dedicated to creating and nurturing African narratives that resonate globally.
Tendayi’s journey into filmmaking was rooted in passion and perseverance, from her early days as an entertainment producer in South Africa to her executive producer role on the Disney+ Original’s African animated sci-fi anthology, Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, which earned an Annie Award for Best Limited Series.
Since moving to Los Angeles, Tendayi has been exposed to the highest echelons of the entertainment industry, working with Oscar-winning creatives and hosting “Tenye Talks,” a weekly Instagram live chat where she discusses industry journeys with various professionals.

Tendayi’s advice to upcoming animators and filmmakers is clear: “You gotta know your why.” Passion and purpose should drive every opportunity. She encourages creators to use whatever resources they have to constantly create and to build communities. “Don’t wait for opportunities; create them.”
Tendayi’s story is a testament to the power and promise of the African Dream, and she continues to inspire and pave the way for African voices in the global entertainment industry.