Zimbabwean musician Fungisai Zvakavapano Mashavave has sparked outrage on social media after claiming she was given Winky D’s first demo when he was still an upcoming artist.
Fungisai made the claim jokingly on her Facebook page, stating that she encouraged Winky D at City Sports Centre, Luciano Show, when he was seeking a slot to perform.
Fungisai Zvakavapano Mashavave claims she was given Winky D’s first demo, but social media isn’t buying it!

Here’s what people are saying:
– “Now ndiwe wava Upcoming, asking his Fans to subscribe to your YouTube acc, ‘WOW zvichaita!'” (@TtHoxyz Dube)
– “Now Winky D is bigger than you and your entire clan” (@Tariro Samax)
– “Sei ma artist anenge apera achida kumuka nezita raWinky D” (You’re an artist who wants to rise through Winky D’s name) (@Elvis_Alvarez45)
Is Fungisai seeking relevance or simply sharing a true story?
Let us know in the comments!