Sophia, the renowned humanoid robot, has made history by becoming the first robot of her kind to visit Zimbabwe. Her visit is part of the Zimbabwe AI and Innovation Week 2024, a week-long celebration of Artificial Intelligence and Innovation for Zimbabwe’s development. Sophia was brought to Harare through a partnership between the Government of Zimbabwe and the University of Zimbabwe, with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Zimbabwe.

As a global icon of artificial intelligence, Sophia is known for her human-like interaction, thought-provoking speeches, and ability to inspire a transformative vision for the future of AI. Created by Hanson Robotics, Sophia has received citizenship and been named a United Nations Innovation Champion. With her advanced AI, Sophia engages in natural conversations, delivers inspiring addresses, and fosters discussions on ethics, sustainability, and the role of technology in society.
Sophia’s presence in Zimbabwe is expected to inspire youth, policymakers, and innovators to embrace AI as a catalyst for development. Her visit represents Zimbabwe’s commitment to harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for inclusive growth.
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