Takudzwa Mombeshora, a 20-year-old street kid popularly known as ‘Most Wanted’, has been arrested and charged with murder. The incident occurred on January 15, when Mombeshora and his gang allegedly attacked and murdered 57-year-old Forbes Jile in Harare’s CBD. According to eyewitnesses, Jile was walking along Nelson Mandela Street when he was confronted by Mombeshora and his gang, who grabbed his bag and pushed him to the ground.
The gang then proceeded to hit Jile’s head while searching his pockets, stealing his wallet, phone, and US$10. Jile’s body was later discovered by another street kid, who filed a police report. A post-mortem examination revealed that the cause of death was head trauma and subdural hematoma. Detectives from CID Homicide took over the investigation and gathered information that led to Mombeshora’s arrest at Copacabana rank.
Mombeshora appeared before Harare magistrate Apollonia Marutya and was remanded in custody as he faces a third schedule offense. During his arrest, Mombeshora turned violent and bit off one of the detective’s fingers.
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