
Prophet Makandiwa Sets Rules for US$1 Million Prophecy Challenge

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Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa has set the ground rules for his highly anticipated US$1 million prophecy challenge. During a live broadcast on his YouTube channel, Makandiwa emphasized that this is not a game but a serious spiritual test of prophetic accuracy. He outlined the registration process, which requires participants to use their real names and bring national identification documents on the day of the challenge.

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Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa 

Makandiwa assured participants that they would not be required to pay anything, stating that the challenge is not about money but about revealing the truth. On the day of the challenge, participants must enter through the main entrance, introduce themselves, and present their ID for verification. They will then be required to prove their prophetic ability by correctly identifying a concealed object in Makandiwa’s pocket.


Makandiwa admitted that no prophet is 100% accurate, including himself. He questioned why people fully commit to any prophet, stating that “no one sees everything.” The challenge aims to expose falsehoods, save lives, and open hearts. Makandiwa’s honesty and clarification of the challenge’s purpose have generated interest and anticipation for the event.


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Prophet Makandiwa Sets Rules for US$1 Million Prophecy Challenge

Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa has set the ground rules for his highly anticipated US$1 million prophecy challenge. During a live broadcast on his YouTube channel, Makandiwa emphasized that this is not a game but a serious spiritual test of prophetic accuracy. He outlined the registration process, which requires participants to use their real names and bring national identification documents on the day of the challenge.

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Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa 

Makandiwa assured participants that they would not be required to pay anything, stating that the challenge is not about money but about revealing the truth. On the day of the challenge, participants must enter through the main entrance, introduce themselves, and present their ID for verification. They will then be required to prove their prophetic ability by correctly identifying a concealed object in Makandiwa’s pocket.


Makandiwa admitted that no prophet is 100% accurate, including himself. He questioned why people fully commit to any prophet, stating that “no one sees everything.” The challenge aims to expose falsehoods, save lives, and open hearts. Makandiwa’s honesty and clarification of the challenge’s purpose have generated interest and anticipation for the event.


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